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On the Road again!

Tonight i have a sleeper bus to Hampi. If you ever been to India you might know the concept of a sleeper bus. I did saw them the 1st time in China. But there they are a bit different. Think about beds instead of seats in the bus and stack one on the lower bed and you get the idea. You can see the Chinese ones in Laos as well. Here in India they put a single bed on one side and a double bed on the other – only under the double bed there are normal seats – that way they fit more people in the bus. For me the bed is way to small of course but still better than the way to small seats!

I have to leave to Goa at the 14th or the night before as i have my flight to the north at the 15th in the morning. In Jaisalmer i shall attend the desert festival. “The Book” writes this: A chance for moustache-twirlers to compete in the ‘Mr Desert’ contest, and a host of other desert delights. Lets see – guess there will be something worth to go into my lens onto my sensor and than on the sd card!






  1. The ‘big difference’???? if it’s of any significance which personally I don’t really feel so is now compared to late 60s-early 70s, most if not all would be doing whatever either stark-naked or @ most a wearing a ‘G-string’!!!
    And nobody …whether ‘locals’ or the ‘Hippys’ would stare nor give a shit!

  2. Well why did that change – now the locals do come at the weekend to look at the girls – and they are not even topless – strange!!

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