Old Mig 21 in Yoakim Groevo
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Athens to Stuttgart Road Trip Part 7 – From Edessa over Banja to Plovdiv⁩

Today we crossed the border to Bulgaria. Drive to Edessa for the night and continue to the oldest city in Europe: Plovdiv⁩. Come along looking at the pictures!

Beer tasting - last beer in Greece
Beer tasting – last beer in Greece

Beer tasting - first beer in Bulgaria
Beer tasting – first beer in Bulgaria

In the distance a modern wood truck - in front of the car a 1 horsepower truck
In the distance a modern wood truck – in front of the car a 1 horsepower truck

A few more minutes to the hotel close to Blagoevgrad⁩
A few more minutes to the hotel close to Blagoevgrad

Good morning Banja!
Good morning Banja! Off season here in the mountains. We where the only ones in the hotel.

On the road again - in Banya⁩
On the road again – in Banya

Back on the main road
Back on the main road

Old Mig 21 in Yoakim Groevo
Old Mig 21 in Yoakim Groevo

Old Mig 21 in Yoakim Groevo

Another truck close to ‎⁨Cherna Mesta
Another truck close to ‎⁨Cherna Mesta

More diversity in the religious sector
More diversity in the religious sector

The woodlands close to Velingrad⁩
The woodlands close to Velingrad⁩

Riding into Velingrad⁩
Riding into Velingrad


Not many people know the second largest city in Bulgaria. There are traces that people settled here in the 6th millennium BCE – that is more than 8000 years ago. In 2019 it will be the European Capital of Culture.

European Capital of Culture

Stadium of Trimontium and Dzhumaya mosque
Stadium of Trimontium and Dzhumaya mosque


The gate
The gate

Church entrance
Church entrance

Inside the Sveta Marina church
Inside the Sveta Marina church

Храм Света Великомъченица Марина
Or Храм Света Великомъченица Марина as the locals say

A lot of nice paintings
A lot of nice paintings

The main painting
The main painting on the ceiling

He does not look happy
He does not look happy

Not to lang ago this was an important building
Not to lang ago this was an important building – how fast everything changes

Roman Forum
Roman Forum

Interesting team! A Samurai with a bird, dog and monkey
Interesting team! A Samurai with a bird, dog and monkey

Street Art
Street Art

They must be out of bullets...
They must be out of bullets…

Everything is old here - not this one
Everything is old here – not this one

I like the old streets
I like the old streets

Street art

Stay with the truth
Stay with the truth


Another war memorial
Another war memorial

At the Vegan place in our hotel
At the Vegan place in our hotel

2nd course
2nd course

Main course
Main course

Cheers Mitsos
Cheers Mitsos

Golden and cold! With the last rays of the day it was very nice
Golden and cold! With the last rays of the day it was very nice

Ready for the big event in 2019
Ready for the big event in 2019

Bike repair station
Bike repair station

Found a place with music
Found a place with music

Street art
Street art

We found a Craft Beer place!!
We found a Craft Beer place!!

Goooood Beeeeeer at the next place as well
Goooood Beeeeeer at the next place as well

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