Today: Ultimate Health Check-up
Every few years it is time for a check-up – and 2010 was one of them. So i did some check-up shopping and decided to go back to Bangkok Hospital again. Last time i was there 2001 and i did not like the other hospital i was in between.
Got up at 7 – i do not love that so early in the morning – but saturday morning means less traffic and thus the commute is bearable. Quick shower and out of the door – and guess what – there are 2 guys getting breakfast already – 2 big bottles of Chang :-)
Than it is a nice taxi ride and 120 bath later it is “Good Morning Sir” As i have a golden hospital card there was no paper to fill. an american nurse explained the whole thing to me and off we where for blood pressure, weight and height. well that did not work to good as i am a bit too tall for that thing. than blood, teeth, ears, hearing, stress test, ultrasound, etc. etc.
The nice thing is that you sit with all that people that fly biz or 1st class, a lot of people from arabic countries, chinese and other asian countries – and i saw two caucasians as well. Usually i only see this people and now everybody has to wait their turn – at the airport they are 1st on board and in the limo when i still wait for my luggage. Looks like health is only for the rich – or lets say a proper check-up. Some of them come even in big limos with an extra security detail – today it saw a sheik like out of the book. nice white dress and all.
My “main” doctor had an turban on his head and was very nice. not to mention all the nurses and other doctors. So you glide to the system and all the data is collected. Than it is food time as i have to wait for the results. 1.5 hours later it is back to the turban doctor again.
He explained me every result and all in all everything looks super. a few things even much better than average!
One thing that helped a lot is that i am vegetarian he guessed as well as i – cholesterol for example. Red blood cells are a bit low – and something else i do not remember now. And yes – my liver is still working proper and the numbers do not show anything out of the ordinary :-)
Cancer markers, stool and piss, blood and stuff – my machine is running well – still i guess i have to maintain even better.
They will email me all the results as i did not want to wait 2 hours for a book they would have done with them. now the whole thing did cost me as much as 127 days in the guesthouse where i stay now. Or 282 big beer chang at the same place or 181 big big bowl of the best Tom Yum Gum soup i did find the last 21 years in bangkok. i could also 1270 times take the boat from here to pratunam – hm or have 635 big ice coffees… or stay in the bungalow in pai 127 days – or rent a motorbike from aya for 6 months.
Next time colonoscopy – and this is the same money again :-) but i think an even better investment and for sure it is healthier than beer chang!
Ok time for food – guess it is thai tonight – and a big big ice cold chang!