
another night in bkk

well some things work out. did meet misako and her friends yesterday night. we went to the shell station for a few drinks. lots of old school musik but a bit to loud to talk. everybody was tiered so we split early.

misako and friends

i walked with them to the chairs and had another beer – but lousy company forced me home after one beer. why not?

the chairs

i stay at the bamboo guesthouse again. the first night i had to spend in a double room for 250 bath and now i am back in my old room for 160 bath. this is about 3.20 €. got a bit more expensive but what the heck? its over the klong in a small and friendly neighbourhood street. you might want to check that out when you are here. the good thing is that not to many people know about the area and usually there is room – even when you arive after 12 am!

One Comment

  1. Hi Marc,

    wir haben uns in Stuttgart mal über Annette Schwarz kennengelernt.
    Sie hat mir dein Blog gepostet, weil ich jetzt auch in 10 Tagen nach BKK fliege.
    Würde mich über ein paar erste Ankunftstipps und erste Budgetier Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten freuen.
    Schöne Grüße

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