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Back in Athens

It is like visiting an old friend when you come back to a city again and again. One of this places is Athens in Greece. A big city full of white houses, a maze of streets with narrow walking paths. Lots of green here and there. And great views down from various places.

Greece 2012

Greece 2012

I saw so many fires – big one and small ones – i did stop counting after 30

Greece 2012

Greece 2012

Back at Athens – doing the tourist thing

Greece 2012

Greece 2012

Greece 2012

Greece 2012

My favorite way up to the Acropolis

Greece 2012

Goes on like that – nice

Greece 2012

On the left you see my favorite sun set spot – while this one is not so bad as well

Greece 2012

And this is where i went for sun set

Greece 2012

Ahhh Ooooooh

Greece 2012

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