Beginner’s Guide to Indian Coffee
India may be most famous for its tea, but it’s also one of the biggest coffee producers in the world. Learn more about it.
India may be most famous for its tea, but it’s also one of the biggest coffee producers in the world. Learn more about it.
So you have been to Bangkok a few times and you think you did see it all. And than you find something that is so Bangkok you could not dream it up yourself. At the corner of the Bang Lam Phu Intersection only a few blocks away from Khao San Road are the ruins of…
After so many of you did ask me how i installed Facebook Paper on my iPhone i made this easy to follow guide for you. It works with every free app from the Apple App Store! Facebook Paper is the new app from Facebook. I did play a bit with it and i am not…
Here is an very easy way to make a small but powerful camping stove that runs on pure alcohol. You find everything in most trash cans all over the world. You only need a soda or beer can and a knife to do it. If you have some scissors it will make it even more…
Went to Taksim today and walked a bit there – than down the road toward Tünel. People where still coming up the streets and walking towards the Square and park. I took a few pictures! Here is a link to it: Photo Album You do not have to sign up for it! 3 nights ago…
The more you travel the quicker the stamps fill up the pages of your passport. Every time i have to get a new one i am not sure if i should get the one with more pages. So far i did run out of pages only 2 times. And every time i think no way…
And i had to give it to myself on top of that. What a day! Now since it is X-Mas and i had my morning coffee already i was thinking of a nice cup of tea. That did lead my thoughts towards an island that is off the coast of France. It is called Great…
12 more days to go – time for a visa! Everything did look nice in the sky today so i took the bike and as i stepped out – rain. Only a bit so i went back in and changed into waterproof modus. Than back on the bike – sure enough the rain did stop….
All sorts of strange things you find in the seat pocket of your airline. This Invocation Card makes it to the top. and more Islam Protestant Catholic Hinduism Buddism Khonghucu I have to admit – this is a new religion for me!
Budapest:27.04.2011 to 03.05.2011 Vienna:31.05.2011 to 07.06.2011 If you happen to be in one of the places at the time – lets meet :-) Than we have finally spring in Stuttgart but it is still cold in the night. Apart from that things are SUPER!
They did form a human chain from a atomic power plant 46 km to Stuttgart. One day after the explosion of a nuclear reactor in the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. This gave the whole demonstration another twist. Switch off atomic power plants Atomic energy – no thank you Who is Anke?? Word play: If…
I see – a fish and a shotgun – and than a barrel, bucket or cask? Hm good i am not in software debugging! And who is Ned??