Cows and a few Pictures of Amsterdam 1
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Cows and a few Pictures of Amsterdam

Today Gerben took us to see some of the reclaimed land. The Dutch water management is like no other on the planet. There are pumps everywhere and water as well. Often you have on one site of the street water a metre below and on the other only a few centimetres from street level. Half of the Netherlands is reclaimed land that is only about one meter above sea level and is protected by dikes.
We did stop and had a snack next to these cows. And when one comes over the rest will usually follow since we where a nice distraction from the boring day in the field.

Dutch Cow

Dutch Cow

Dutch Cow

Dutch Cow

Dutch Cow

Dutch Cow

Pump House
This is one of the many pumps all over the place.

Dutch Cow
Water on the right

Dutch Cow
Water on the left

Dutch Cow
And more water

Amsterdam again

Boat Hotel
They did upgrade the hotel with big red letters. They do have windows but I think you can not stay in them. Would be cool.

Dutch Cow

Dutch Cow
Did cut the 4 figures so you can see them better. Interesting!

Dutch Cow
The rest of the house is as well

Amsterdam house detail

A big church


Amsterdam Town House

Red Bike
You better look your bike

Amsterdam Bridge


Amsterdam The Night Watch
The famous Night Watch from Rembrandt

Amsterdam Secret Garden
The biggest private garden in Amsterdam that I could find

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