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More Pix from the Langtang National Park

Langtang National Park

As the days get shorter and the nights get colder people here in the Langtang National Park prepare for winter. That means the harvest has to be brought in and prepared for storage. Yak dung gets dried in the sun for cooking fires as well as heating. It is nice to watch the locals work – when you can enjoy a hot cup of tea :-)

Langtang National Park

Langtang National Park

Pony Express – Langtang style

Langtang National Park

Baby yak told one of the yak jokes that always work – but it is a bit dirty

Langtang National Park

Toni would say this is Toni and Sharee – for the rest of us: Sharee and Toni

Langtang National Park

Prayer walls guide you up. For the sake fo light i took the pic on the right side of the wall. Walking you do all the time on the left side as you would turn the prayer wheel clock wise as well!

Langtang National Park

Tea in the house of the Lama

Langtang National Park

Family shrine at the Lama house

Langtang National Park

Langtang National Park

The colours of fall – yellow, red, green with a blue sky and white clouds & snow mountains

Langtang National Park

Langtang National Park


  1. tag them tag them! Where are you? We in koh chang, Toni has broken his eating record, he ordered three main courses in one meal plus dessert and 2 large beers. Im happy he has finally tried thai food and likes it, after 9 months of me trying to convince him. we miss you xxx

  2. Sharee – i think i can not tag them as i post this to my blog and fb sucks it in. in pokhara – doing not much – sky is cloudy – guess i have to wait for bue again to start with anapurna?
    miss you guys too!! do not break his balls!!

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