Toronto Skyline
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From Fredericton to Toronto

Indian Summer in the Fredericton Forest

In the Fredericton forest
In the Fredericton forest
Indian Summer
Indian Summer
Look up and look down
Look up and look down
Nice city forest
Nice city forest
I love these fall colors
I love these fall colors
Everlasting green and seasonal colors
Everlasting green and seasonal colors
The Holy Cross House
The Holy Cross House
Last sunset in Fredericton
Last sunset in Fredericton

Almost the end of the Trip. A huge thank you to Kathleen! Without her, this whole trip would not have been possible!! Last night at the house. Last sunset with pool view.

Off to Toronto

Fredericton Airport
Fredericton Airport

Was at smaller airports before. With a grass runway and only one little wood hut that was the Check-In building, the Cafeteria, the Radio tower, the baggage loading and waiting area all in one. But as far as airports go in the West – this was the smallest as far as I remember.

Comes with a bar
Comes with a bar
And really nice seating
And nice seating
Why not park on the end of the runway?
Why not park on the end of the runway?
Small Airplane
This one??
Air Canada xpress Plane
Ah – better!
Small airplane seat
Upps – Canadians must be some of the smallest people – according to Air Canada!
Aircraft wheel
It is wet
Aircraft propeller
No more rain
Farmland from the aircraft window
Farmland – lots of it
Coffee cup
At last half a cup of coffee
Aircraft cabin
How boring are the flights when you sit in the aisle
More farmland
Who builds a road like this? And who wants to have a house down there? At last some forest and a golf course
Some river
An interesting development of the space. Imagine 2 big skyscrapers and lots of forest.
Industrial Zone
Judging from the bigger buildings – Toronto can not be too far
Airport from above
The X-shaped airport


In the Airport bus
In the Airport bus
In the subway
A bit in the subway
Barber Chair
At the hostel
Hostel Kitchen
Hostel Kitchen
Danforth Ave.
Danforth Ave.
Danforth Ave.
Danforth Ave. towards the beach
Lake Shore Boulevard
Lake Shore Boulevard
Dundas Street E
Dundas Street E
Green House
Interesting, but it does not fit at all in this neighborhood.
Shadow on the beach
Hello stranger
Nice late afternoon but nobody is here?
Beach Chairs
Found somebody
Clouds over the sea
Lake Ontario
Beach Volleyball
Beach Volleyball fields – many
‎⁨Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club
Toronto street
Let’s get back to the hostel
Street in Toronto
Beer cans
International beer selection here…
Book Store
Look – a Book Store!
Danforth Avenue
Danforth Avenue again
Greek Town
Greek Town
Book Store
Another Book Store

That was it for this day. I went back to the hostel and had an early night.

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