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A few more days to go – India i am almost there

Ok – i have my visa for India in the new passport – nice. Today i got a bus ticket to Haridwar. Now if things get well i fly into New Delhi at 2.40 in the morning. Guess 2 hours for the bags and immigration. Than i should take it super slow and get into town. Will take the Orange Line to the train station and have breakfast at Main Basar. Sorry crazy Taxi drivers but that is the way to go down town now. After breakfast and some relax time (a beer??) with the Yellow Line to Kashmiri Gate where my Bus leaves at 10.30.
The ticket talks about 16.30 Haridwar – i take that with a grain or two of salt. Anyhow – i can sleep in Haridwar or make the few kilometer to Rishikesh where a bus to Gangotri is the goal for the next day.


After the loooong online form with lots of interesting questions i finally got my visa!


Looks like it will be nice and warm – hope that the aircon in the bus is working! I have the upper sleeper on the left side of the bus. So i can look out of the window or sleep – should be a nice trip. Happy to have a iPod and ear plugs – lets see what i will use more on that trip.


One Comment

  1. looks fanatastic. Have a great time and make some beautiful pics!

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