A Trip to Patong Beach for a Night Walk
Since i am here i had to see what is going on over there. What a tourist trap! Chiang Mai Night Market is nice and quite compared to this. How can you ever come here for vacation? We went with the bikes so we could cut through traffic. Guess that saved us at last 60 minutes for the 16 km ride. Basically a big traffic jam – on the left and right hotels, supermarkets, boutique resorts, 7/11, noodle shops – actually ppl that eat at expensive places right next to a 4 lane road. And than the big orgasm at the end of the trip – Patong Beach – thank you!! Even worse – well….
Waiting for food with Gerben
Where did i park my bike now??
Same same NO different – shopping shopping
If you think you can cross the street – it is easy in Bangkok compared to here
The short walking street. I guess i got at last 120 ping pong show signs pushed into my face
40 Russian strippers up there – hmm why would i come to Thailand? to see Russian strippers – strange