
Day Two of our Treck into Spiti-Valley

After a good night at our friendly host and an even better breakfast we continued the trip. It was a pleasant morning with a light breeze not to cold and not to0 warm. Perfect for our hike.

Langza, India 2010

Good Bye Langza!

India 2010

India 2010

India 2010

Komic, India 2010

The monastery above Komic

India 2010

India 2010

India 2010

Komic – our stop for this night

India 2010

Interesting cloud formation for sunset. BTW the little dot on the right hill is Eric

India 2010

India 2010

Part of our friendly host family


  1. …hey… i could not see the small “dot”-Eric on the left because he moved to the RIGHT …. my friend, good to follow your trip.

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