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Driving with Zack over the Bridge to Manhattan and Back

The other day I had the pleasure to help Zack Helwa working on his movie “The Fall”. We did film the whole day and I had not too much to do, go shopping for decoration, decorate, clean, shop for food, clean more and help to load and unload the car. Not sure if that is for me if it would be a job – most of it is waiting but I had nice company!
Zack did now move to Berlin, Germany to work further on his carer. I will visit him there as well to see how it goes.

Cleaning the last few feathers from the shoot a few nights ago was a bitch!
Unfortunate the movie is set to private so I can not share it here.

Zack Helwa

Zack Helwa

Zack Helwa

Zack Helwa

Zack Helwa
What a mess

Since that was the last day of shooting we did celebrate in Zack favourite bar in the evening!

On the roof of Zacks place
First a sun-downer on the roof!

The bar at Zacks place

The bar at Zacks place

The bar at Zacks place

The bar at Zacks place

The bar at Zacks place

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