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Pictures from the Lisu Hilltribe Village and an Update from Laos

I am in Don Det now. This is all the way down south in Laos. Took me 37 hours to get here and left me quite tired. A mini bus, a big bus, a truck and another bus down to Don Kong and a boat the next day down to Don Det. Did meet Ita before she left for Cambodia today. Everybody is moving all over the place because the visa is never long enough. I wonder why they do not simply give you 3 months like they do in Malaysia or Singapore? And it is even free over there! Laos wants 30 us$ + 1 us$ from Germans. Every country has a different fee to pay – strange! Will stay a few days down here – it is quite relaxed along the river.

A few pictures from the morning walk in the village. Still people are on the way home from the dancing in the night. Most are sleeping and some start preparing for the next night of celebration. Everything is so simple and peaceful – needed after the firework and dancing the whole night.

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I love that green on the old fences in the village

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Good morning

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‘Ello Doggy

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The house of one of the Shamans of the village

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View towards the street in and out of the village

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Preparing the chicken – while the other chicken watch…

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Getting rid of all the left over firework paper

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Morning wash

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The Shaman does some chicken ritual. Smears the blood of the chicken on the tree that was put there for the Lisu New Year

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Burning the hair of the pig

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The other shaman does the same ritual. We where walking a bit in the village and they did wait for us to come back. I do not know if they waited for us because we did sleep in the house this night or they only wanted us to see the ritual? After he was finished he did smile at us and waved us good-bye.

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