Wedding at the Beach
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Summer Trip 2016 Part 18 – Croatia – Wedding in Trpanj

Trpanj is a small village in south-eastern Croatia. My father bought a house at the beach many moons ago. Melissa spend many summer holidays there and she decided to get married there as well. That is why we are here now – the last stop of this Summer Trip.

Maria at the harbour in Trpanj
Statue of Maria at the harbour in Trpanj

Ferry from Ploce at Trpanj harbour
Ferry from Ploce at Trpanj harbour

Wedding at the Church of St. Roko over Trpanj

The church of St. Roko was built in the first half of the 17th century. It replaced an older church on the highest hill overlooking Trpanj

At the little church over Trpanj - looking to the city
View from St. Roko – looking to the city

iew from St. Roko  - looking to the main land
View from St. Roko – looking to the main land

At the little church over Trpanj

Wedding in Trpanj

Wedding in Trpanj
The Priest

Wedding in Trpanj
Here they come

Wedding in Trpanj

Wedding in Trpanj
Important guest from the village

Wedding in Trpanj
The ring thing

Wedding in Trpanj

Wedding in Trpanj

Aperitivo after the wedding
Aperitivo after the wedding with a killer view of the village

Aperitivo after the wedding

The afternoon was free so we did relax a bit and in the evening the party was at the Beach Bar. Great food, music and people. A nice wedding! Thanks for inviting us :-)

Beach Bar
This was the start of the party. I did not bring the camera so there are only two pictures.

Beach Bar

The next morning it was back to Stuttgart. With one night in Croatia.

Adios sea
Adios Sea

Great house boat close to Cista Provo in Croatia
Great “house boat” close to Cista Provo in Croatia

Close to Gračac, Croatia
Close to Gračac, Croatia

Over the Alps in Italy
Over the Alps in Italy

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