A day and night out in Bangkok
So what does it look like – the typical tourist day in Bangkok?? Get up at 11, take shower, have breakfast and start doing the internet thing if you like. Later i did meet Dee and Gerben for early dinner – than we went to a nice night market – it is called Vespa Market and not to far from the weekend market. Not so big and not so many people here – and it is after the sun is down so it is not so hot – perfect for strolling along the different stalls with all sort of stuff to get. A mix of flea market, a few live music places, cool hip small bars and a regular market mixed with food. Did run into Jekky, Pennie Lane, Kevin, Farhan and a few others of the cs crew. cool so we have a few beers and talk and zooom it was after midnight.
Dee was supposed to meet some friends in a bar/club thing at khao san rd so off we are with the next taxi. Did meet her girls and the party did start – beer and beer and than we went to a real club – the music got better and we went for buckets than the next club at 5 in the morning and i had to go to gin tonics.
Needed a trouser that i could not find last weekend so i went to the weekend market – and could not find it again. No sleep and some drinks did not really help – after 3 hours i gave up! finally i make it back to my room at 16.00 to sleep one hour and than i have to shower to catch the sunday dinner at Taileks house. Bee & Jekky are cooking there every week. Always some cool people to talk and hang out there. Almost like the good old N6 – if you know what i mean!
i love bkk :-)