Days in Pai-Radise
Only a few more lazy days till 2017. Wow that year was another fast one. Here are a few more pictures from the Pai-Paradise:
Who are you? Meet the latest addition to Twin Hut. When I came to Pai the first time Dream was a child and now she has a baby.
Another sundowner
Dinner with Konstantin
Another Khao Soi
Happy cat – happy me
Looks like they have a new owner. I did like the old place better. More green – now it looks like same same but different!
Sleeeeeeep cat sleeeeep
She was visiting every day to back up photos and snatch a coconut
The cat is not impressed
Sometimes everybody is gone – I have the whole place for myself – win!
Lazy afternoon at Twin-Hut bungalow #8
Another new place downtown Pai. From your room right into the pool.
Who could imagine that 15 years ago?
Sunset from bungalow #7
Lunch at Hellas
Today she fixed my shirt – thank you!
And some happy new year dinner
31st of December at Irie Bar
There are a few live videos at my facebook page
For example the last 2 songs for 2016 and the countdown to 2017
Peng – thank you!!! Once a year she does cook a Khao Soi for me :-)
Hello again!
Lazy January – the girl is waiting for the data back up
Another one of the spectacular ones
The Twin Hut gang
View from Bungalow #7
He likes my bed….
German visitors from China
Vegan green papaya salad
And two more videos from ->
The Band at Irie Bar: Pancakes in the Morning or Tennessee whiskey & a Harmonica