Rice planting in Rừng Thông
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From Phố Châu over Rừng Thông to Ninh Binh

Ashley and Me in front of the Ly Ha Hotel
Ashley and Me in front of the Ly Ha Hotel

After a few days, it was time to ride on. Had a great time again at the Ly Ha Hotel. The weather report looked not to bad so up North it was.

Ashley - ready to take off towards Phong Nha
Ashley – ready to take off to the South towards Phong Nha

Meat shop in the rain
Meat shop in the rain and it looked like it will rain for the rest of the day. No excuse for the wicked. Got my stuff on the bike and it was time to say good bye.

Trần and Me
See you soon Trần!

At the traffic circle in Phố Châu
At the traffic circle in Phố Châu – no clue why they need this in the middle of nowhere?

Rice planting in Rừng Thông
Rice planting in Rừng Thông – still rain and it is cold after the whole day on the bike. Time to find a hotel.

My bed at the hotel in xã Đông Anh
My bed at the hotel in xã Đông Anh

Toilet paper, a remote and condoms
Toilet paper, a remote and condoms

There was only blue light in the bathroom? This way you will have problems to shoot up!
There was only blue light in the bathroom? This way you will have problems to shoot up!

The Boss insisted that I take the bike inside - so I did
The Boss insisted that I take the bike inside – so I did

Todays Drive

243 Kilometres in 6 hours and 12 minutes with a few rain stops, some shopping and a gas stop as well

The next Morning

The Boss was quite happy in the morning! See you again :-)
The Boss was quite happy in the morning! See you again :-)

Working in the rice fields of Rice planting in Bừt Sơn
Working in the rice fields of Rice planting in Bừt Sơn – still Gray but dry!

At Việt's and Hoàn's home
Arrived in the afternoon at Việt’s and Hoàn’s home and they served me a wonderful lunch

Todays Drive

82 Kilometers in 2 hours and 11 minutes with a coffee and gas stop

Sapphire Truong Thinh Hotel in Ninh Binh

Việt and Hoàn opened the hotel in February 2017 so I was the first guest. They cook every evening and everybody sits together and eats. Great way to meet new friends. Also I got vegetarian food and it was really good. The same goes for breakfast since they asked me what I want for breakfast. Next to the hotel is a great soup place that serves traditional soup and BBQ in the morning. Usually they are sold out round 8:30 in the morning. So if you get up late you can not try.

Sapphire Truong Thinh Hotel in Ninh Binh
Sapphire Truong Thinh Hotel in Ninh Binh

My room at the Sapphire Truong Thinh
My room at the Sapphire Truong Thinh for 8 US $. Comes with AC, 2 beds, WiFi,TV, fan, breakfast and hot shower.

View towards the bathroom
View towards the bathroom

Việt and Hoàn in front of the hotel
Việt and Hoàn in front of the hotel

Here is the booking.com link for the Sapphire Truong Thinh Hotel

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