Groving at the Bebop Bar in Pai
Still the place for loud music and good groves in town!
Still the place for loud music and good groves in town!
Winter 17/18 – Daytrip to Pác Bó Cave
Winter 17/18 From Điện Biên Phủ over Sơn La to Phố Ràng
Maine Circle Part 2 – From Calais to Belfast
Winter 17/18 – A Day in Bangkok
Maine Circle Part 3 – From Rockland over Houlton…
Winter 17/18 From Ninh Binh over Binh Long to Lạng Sơn
Canada Trip 2019 – Frankfurt to Fredericton
Nova Scotia Circle 5 – From Annapolis Royal to Luneburg
I like to travel, and I like to snap pictures!
My mother got me an Eurorail ticket when I was 15, and together with two friends, we adventured into France. This was the beginning of a new addiction. I do like to take pictures, so one thing leads to another. On this site, I want to share some of my pictures and some of my trips with you!
Now I am on the road for more than 8 months every year. Visiting old friends and making new friends while exploring this big blue ball.