

Took the subway to the airport – not to bad! My bags had to go to the x-ray at the subway station and i had to show the whiskey bottle and the gorilla pod – of course! Than on to the airport. They have Olympia volunteers all over the city now so it is easy if you have a question. Good thing as i could not find the shuttle bus for the other terminal.

The woman at the airline counter told me as i am not a Chinese i can not sit at the emergency exit (do not understand the commands in case…) but the friendly steward at the plane put me right into it – sweet!

Got down at 15:15 and everything is very very green here. I stay at Stan’s place. He is a Couchsurfer and really great! He hosted 3 people last night! We went out together and meet some of his friends. Makes for a really different experience. Today the other two left but soon 2 Canadian girls will replace them.

Sonia & Schutze’s place in Beijing

Airport Express Train Station


More motor bikes than cars

Nice – hope the sun get out tomorow…

look what i found in the little supermarket next to the place i stay!! only € 0.35 for a 0.33 ltr can! 0.5 ltr can’s of Königs Pilsner are €1.80

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