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Last Day in Vienna!

Vienna Calling 2010 was a blast. The sky did turn blue and the sun was out. A few hundred CouchSurfers from all over the world had fun – every day at the base. There where games and the bbq fire did never stop at the bank of the Danube. Different tours, readings, parties and other stuff in the city – and lots of interesting people and even more beer. My host Heinz did move out of his apartment to make way for his guests. We where quite international the last 5 days. Surfers from the USA, Romania, Hungary, Russia, Singapore, the Philippines and Germany shared the place. Up to 10 people at a time. Only in Bangkok at N6 i did surf with more people. It was great and you never know who sleeps next to you and in your room. Now 12,5 hours to go and my flight should take me back to STR.

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