60.000+ Demonstrate against Atomic Energy 12th of March 2011
They did form a human chain from a atomic power plant 46 km to Stuttgart. One day after the explosion of a nuclear reactor in the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. This gave the whole demonstration another twist.
Switch off atomic power plants
Atomic energy – no thank you
Who is Anke??
Word play: If you fear atomic power plants you are panicking. But with the events only a day before you can read ja panisch like japanisch = japanese
…war wirklich nur wenige meter entfernt…stand oben bei der hausmanstrasse in der kurve (-:
uhhhh – na ja jetzt habe ich ja die nummer!!
Great photos of the human chain, inspiring.
Great move by Germany to shut down their old nuclear reactors!
We support you all the way from the mountains of Northern Thailand.
Cheers Terry!!!