From Frankfurt to Gangotri
Did start my trip as so many with a visit at Alexandras place in Frankfurt. She did get some Rose Apple wine for me and we had a nice evening. The next morning i did not have to get up very early in the morning to get to the FRA – nice. Thanks Alex!
The guy at the Emirates biz class check in re booked me on a emergency exit seat – India – here i come.
Got to DEL at 2.50 am. Sure enough the bag took forever and a day to come out of the airport gut. Next ATM, sort of a breakfast and a big coffee with 2 shoots of espresso to keep me going till the sun was up.
Than the Bus to Kashmir Gate which starts very convenient from the airport. The bus stand is a mess as they did start to renovate it and somehow stopped in the middle. Looks like after the war now – great. Did find my bus company and was guided to the bus. Sleeper all the way to Risikesh. 10.30 we did start the trip. Did get to Risikesh at 20.30 – got my ticket to Gangotri and took a room opposite of the bus stand. Did get some credit for the phone and some needed zzzzzz’s.
5.30 am the bus left the bus stand and it was off to Gangotri. A nice ride with mountains mountains and mountains on the left and on the right. Did get to the village at 21.50 – a bit longer than i expected. The next room was waiting and more zzzzz’s as well. From the 45 plus degrees it was a pleasant change up here. It was so pleasant that i had to use the two blankets on top of my sleeping bag to be war enough.
Gangotri is a remote setting at an altitude of 3042m. The temple was constructed in the 18th century by a Gorkha commander. Nearby is the rock on which Shiva is said to have received the Ganga in his matted locks. From the early morning to late at night the devotees flock to the temple and take a bath in the ice cold river. Some more of a cat wash – some a ritual shower and some a kind of dive into the water.
Did find a nice cafe – the only one that had one (1!!) table outside to sit on the river just across of the action. On the other side the water action and upstream on the right the majestic snow covered mountains.