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A few Pix from Chiang Mai and the Ride to Pai

What a fantastic day – today. Went to bed at 3 in the morning and had a really fun night. Got up at 9 – well that is not really nice. Breakfast and some internet. Than i wanted to visit Chris – like last time he wanted to come to my place and we did meet in the middle. He was on the way to give back the motorbike so we went back to my place and took the gasoline. I can use this to go to Lapilu for the Lisu New Year. Than quick to Aya to return the bike. The plan was to go to his place and say Hi to the girl. Ha! It took us over one hour to get to the bridge. 1st stop at Num and Weo to get the bicycle. Than we die meet the swiss guy before the 1st corner. At Good Live there was the rest of the crew – so talk to everybody for a few minutes. Than we walked 20 meters – the Catalans where coming – a few minutes later and a few meters later the German guy with the hat was coming. A few minutes later as we passed Yellow Sun Tee did sit there. Than we did meet Mike but he was in a hurry so that was fast.

Finally we managed to get to Shangri La. Went for a coffee with Lara. We did not find the Japanese place but another nice one. Had a nice chat with a guy from Canada over coffee.
On the way to the road we did meet the old Italian – ok lets have a papaya salad. Than i took off to visit Mike in his house. There was the nice French girl that sings so well. We had coffee, bread with salted butter and guacamole.
Than she even gave me a lift home – what do you want more??
Soon the crew will meet at the Happy Table and the TGIF evening will start!

Chiang Mai

Eli and Ivan – they did not come to SE Asia for 2 winters but now they are back. Allways a pleasure to meet them :-)

Chiang Mai

Coffee with a smile – Thailand!

Chiang Mai

Off to AYA Service to get a bike

Chiang Mai

More than 700 bends to Pai – a lot of Thai can not handle that

Chiang Mai

Fuck – i did manage to pick the only day when it rained. And i do not talk drizzle – i talk heaven opened the gates kind of water from the sky. Of course i was soaked after a few minutes.

Chiang Mai

What a nice way to bring your dogs with you on a trip

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