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A short trip into Pin Valley

A Italian family from Belgium wanted to give me a ride back to Kaza this morning. But the jeep never came – the road was blocked – surprise. So i hiked down to the street with Massimo. No car no nothing so we went into the local soup shop. 3 tables and one old woman – and: Laele from France. She started more than 30 hours ago from Dankar and did not really get far. Some food and 2 beers later the road towards Kaza was open for jeeps again. We did find a lift after some time and made it back to Kaza. Erik came later in the afternoon and we went in “our” guesthouse again. Good times – 2 nights later everybody left me so i took of with Alex for a short trip into Pin Valley.

India 2010

You can imagine what forces created this mountains. Folded like towels – a very nice view.

India 2010

India 2010

India 2010

You would not believe it – i went up the hill behind the house and it looks like a 20 minutes walk. Took me almost 2 hours as it is steep and the air is thin. The reward? Some horses!

India 2010

The locals leave the horses roam the whole summer on the plains. A few go to the snow leopard each year. They are kind of shy as they do not see to many strangers the whole summer. Later i did see a whole bunch of them.
It is one thing to get up a hill or mountain. The other is to go down. As my horse viewing brought me far away from the site where i came up i decided to go clockwise round the mountain and slow down. First time i could really use the heavy boots i bought for that trip. Guess i had some luck on some parts not to fall down a few hundred meters. But that is the fun part of it (at last when you save down from the mountain again).

India 2010

India 2010

We stayed in the house of an Lama – he did also cook for us in the evening. And he had a secret sorce for the local moonshine!
This was the view out of my Window to the right.

India 2010

And the left. There was one more window and the best – it did not rain in Pin Valley so the mud house was complete dry and did smell really good.

India 2010

India 2010

The shopkeeper of the only local shop – strange strange but most shops have no window. Guess that makes it harder to break in?? So if you go shopping better bring a torch with you. Got some candy for our hosts children and beer for my mineral intake.

One Comment

  1. Great pictures. Pin is special. I always liked the bus rides or the hikes up there, what a beautiful scenery

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