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Back in Pokhara

Ride shitty bus
Walk up mountain – step on rock – rock turns – boots wet – next hotel.
Try to dry boot – takes ages – continue to walk next day – blister.
Keep walking and walking and walking – meet cool ppl.
Walk with 2 Americans, 2 Brits, 3 Americans, 2 French, 2 Brits (well one Brit and his Dutch GF) – 5 groups of cool ppl.
Have a lot of fun with them – do run into one nyc girl in a bigger group from time to time – have fun talking.
Staied in 2 guest houses alone – great!
Shared different guest houses with different groups of the above ppl – great!
Walk walk walk look look look birds, mountains, rocks, snow, yak, cow, ppl, gh’s, sky, snow, rock, birds, lake, waterfall look walk lock sweat walk talk drink laugh walk.
Walk up to one of the highest lakes of the world, start 6 with moonlight – fucking cold.
Other than that start only when sun is out – anyway the fastest on the trek – at last nobody passes me – me passes everybody – even with 20 kg bag – why is bag so heavy??
cross river loose boot break toe walk flip flop have great night with almost all of the above next day search boot no luck end of trip.
had in mind to take the bus from there anyway so no big deal. 14 hours to get back to Pokhara. 2 nights to get back to old place. 2 days to answer all email. try to get some pix up asap.
all in all – great trip – thanks to all the girls and guys that made it extra special!!
now time to meet friends for dinner!

One Comment

  1. Wie schön! Einfach überwältigend!
    Ihren Müll könnted se aber schon mal wegräumen! Gell!
    Liebste Grüße

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