Cheers from Kut Chap
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A few Days in Kut Chap and then back to Bangkok

After a long long day at Mo Chit Bus Station in Bangkok my night bus finally took me to the east. Next stop Udon Thani where Nong will pick me up to drive me to Kut Chap to meet her and her friends again.

Morning at the Udon Thani Bus Station
Morning at the Udon Thani Bus Station

My hotel room in Kut Chap
My hotel room in Kut Chap – still 300 Bath and still with the nice bed sheets

Bottle feed a fish
It was weekend and Nong took her daughter and me to a melon farm. Yes – Thai people will visit a melon farm! Than they take pictures in the greenhouse and eat some melon ice or have a melon shake. We had a shake that was more sugar than melon and was not really good. Than I saw this: Bottle feed a fish for 20 Bath a pop! Seriously – that is the next big biz for small biz owners! They even have it here in Pai :-(

Kut Chap
Nong’s friend’s Gram and Patcharin, she does the BBQ next to the bar. People are quite small in Kut Chap!! You will find more proof on my facebook!

Kut Chap
Thai night out in front of the motorbike repair shop. Noodle place next door with good food. Enough ice, soda and water. It is warm and things happen on the street. Great evening Thai style. Later we went for food at the outskirts of town.

The food place outside of Kut Chap
The owner of the place is a friend of Nong. In Kut Chap everything does close really early. Next to this restaurant is a karaoke bar so it does stay open long. The food is super good and the owner super friendly. The neighbour came back from farm work and did stop for a bite as well.

Kut Chap
The next evening at the motorbike repair shop in Kut Chap again. Loads of fruits for dessert.

Kut Chap
Later at the porch of Nong’s neighbour. The friendly dog did really like me :-)

Lunch in Udon Thani
Lunch in Udon Thani

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