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A few more days till my next India Trip

Kunzum Pass India 2012
This is where i want to go – back to the Indian mountains

How to spend Summer?

Since i had to cut my winter trip 5 weeks short i got here to early. Than i did my eBay thing and sold comics. A week at Majorca and 10 days in Switzerland. And now another week in France. Since i have to wait till fall for the second round of eBay i have enough time. BUT Joga has his birthday party at September 13. And that does fuck up everything. Since we wanted to go and hike a few days at the end of September i can not go to Greece than. So lets see – 2 weeks in October? And i do not want to fly so far for only 4-6 weeks. So in the end i decided to try to get to Leh again. The last few times the roads where still closed or flooded and bridges gone. I have my flight from July 15 to September 11. If you are somewhere over there lets connect and meet!

So after filling out the very very loooong visa form i was able to get all the information together and did mail the passport.

India 2014
On the web site they tell you it takes up to 4 weeks so you better get the visa before the flight. Guess what – the passport was back in 8 days including one public holiday!

From Dehli i have a connection flight to Amritsar at noon. Will go Couchsurfing at a more than 300 year old red brick fort. It was built by his family that came over the mountains from what is now known as Pakistan. They did settle there and build the family home. Mr. Singh converted it into a hotel with 2 pools and a few rooms. He has his horses there and the food in the canteen is organic from his own fields.

Amritsar India 2012
I will stay again with Mr. Singh – my great host from last time in Amritsar!

Amrizar India 2012
Last time i had the room behind the pool where the door is open

Looking forward to chill there for 5 days before it goes towards the mountains.

Golden Temple India 2012
Will visit the Golden Temple again. No visit to Amrizar would be complete without it.

Than it is off to Srinagar, Kargil and Leh. Up the Nubra Valley and than toward Spiti Valley – lets see how much time is left after that!

India 2012
I might stop in Kalga to visit friends?

India 2012
Looks like somewhere in Europe does it?

India 2012
I might go to Pin Valley again

Dhankar Gompa India 2012
Visit Dhankar Gompa again – the building on the top left. It is one of the 100 most endangered sites in the world.

Demul India 2012
See what is left from Demul

Demul India 2012
Stay again with them in Komic

A few more days till my next India Trip 3
Stop over for a night in Langza

Demul India 2012
Fresh prepared meal for me at the place in Langza

I really look forward to see the mountains again and experience the great hospitality of the mountain people!

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